"Zaima", short for "YeKidus Yared YeZaima Miliktoch" (cannonically «የቅዱስ ያሬድ የዜማ ምልክቶች» [Q1]), is an advanced, non-neumic, ekphonetic notation convention used in Ge'ez liturgical literature. Zaima annotation is applied in one to three rows above base text to guide vocal inflections during recitation. This report establishes presentation requirements for Zaima annotation and evaluates the suitability of the W3C XHTML Ruby specification in meeting the requirements.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. The latest status of this series of documents is maintained at the GFF.
This is a developing document that will be submitted for expert review at the Yared Music School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and amongst recommended specialists within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
The goal of this document is to identify presentation and layout requirements of Zaima annotation and raise the questions that must be answered where the requirments are uncertain to then fully specify the presentation convention.
This document presents an overview of Ethiopic "Zaima" annotation and evaluates the suitability of available W3C standards for expressing the layout and presentation found in use cases. Characteristic samples have been selected that demonstrate the bredth and depth of the formatting complexity occuring in Zaima annotation. Recommendations are made for the addition or extension to an existing standard only when a mechanism is not available to support a requirement of Zaima presentation. The intention of this approach is to incur a minimal impact upon the existing family of applicable W3C standards and thus minimize the software modifications that would be required to support the annotation convention.
Under divine inspiration in the early sixth century St. Yared
(Miazia 5, 505 AD - Genbot 11, 571 AD) devised the system of
over 600 notations (including 10 non-letter symbols)
for his seminal work the
These moods are written in three distinct levels within the inter-linear space above the base text. In order from lowest to highest above the base text the moods are: Ge'ez (ግዕዝ), Izzel (ዕዝል), and Araray (ዓራራይ). The notation text is rendered in size aproximately a quarter to a third the scale of the base text. Izzel notation are written in red to help distinguish the mood from the other two (which in turn do not occur together in the absense of Izzel). When one mood does not exist for a given passage, the text of the upper levels may descend downward to occupy a lower level [Q2]. With the exception of the non-letter symbols (known as "ምልክት"), which may be employed by any of the three moods, the moods have their own distinct lexicons. Thus the mood context of an annotation row is also identifiable by the terms present. The annotation entities in turn will almost always appear in abbreviated form (known as "ሰራየ") to minimize their horizontal footprint in layout as well as to allow for faster rendering by calligraphers. Figure 1.1 shows an example over three lines.
Figure 1.1: A three line example of zaima notation.
The W3C recommendations for Ruby annotation are directly applicable to Zaima practices. The CSS3 Ruby module applies a multi-level box model for describing ruby layout in the the writing practices of Asia. A modified box model is used hereafter to likewise describe Zaima presentation.
The simplified Zaima box model employs the same ruby base and adds two additional ruby text levels for a total of three. When all three moods exist for a passage their rows occur in sequence as shown in Figure 1.2:
Figure 1.2: Extended Ruby box model.
In practice the occurance of all three moods simultaneously is found only rarely. However, it is common that a single mood will occur twice, and occassionally three times, for a given passage. In these cases, the default, or primary, form of a mood will be at the lowest level [Q3]. The addition occurances of the same mood, considered alternatives, will appear at successively higher levels. The combination of moods and their alternatives maximally produces five levels of annotation text above the base. These scenarios will be illustrated in Section 2. A more comprehensive Zaima model is presented in Appendix A.
This section contains a collection of assertions for Zaima annotation that should be respected by any application implementing support for Zaima presentation.
[Q4] These rules must be vetted:
W3C Ruby Annotation recomendation defines markup intended to accomodate the annotation practices of Asian scripts and offers a strong foundation for supporting Zaima annotation. In this section the W3C Ruby markup and CSS module style definitions are applied to increasingly complex samples of Ethiopic Zaima annotation. When a mechanism is not available from a W3C specification to support a specific Zaima use case, a mechanism is introduced and discussed. Notes are also made with every sample where the presentation rules are uncertain and when knowledge gaps are present.
In the simplest case of Zaima annotation only one mode occurs with annotation clearly associated with a single character. This simple case can be supported easily with the W3C Ruby markup:
<rtc class="geez">
Figure 2.1: Zaima annotation for a single mode (Selot Kidasie p.37).
While not essential for simple presentation cases, it is recommended that each
element be given an identifying class attribute. Clarifying
the semantics of the mood with a class attribute will be an aid to validator
tools that would check mode text for the proper use of the mode restricted
lexicon. For example spell checking of the mood line and identifying invalid
terms. Requiring a class attribute would assure that presentation rules are
applied properly for the respective modes, aids machine understanding and
transformation, and presentation in other target mediums such as text-to-speech
Recommended class values are the transcription names of the moods, sans
punctuation: [ geez | izzel | araray ]
[class values of "ግዕዝ|ዕዝል|ዓራራይ" could be defined as aliases to their ascii counterparts]
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ባ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>᎖᎓</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1"> <rt>᎒᎒᎓</rt> </rtc> </ruby> |
Figure 2.2: Zaima annotation for a single mode with one alternative (Selot Kidasie p.35).
In Figure 2.2 the attribute "alt" is introduced to indicate that the row is an "alternative"
to the default level (zero level) of its class. It is strongly recommended that the alternative
level be indicated explicitly by some means. The level should not be left to inference by the
document order of the successive rtc
of the same class type. Not all XML based languages
are document order aware and semantics implied by order will be lost. For instance RDF is
oblivious to element document order and transformations with technologies like
have been shown to be problematic (e.g. conversion of tables and arrays).
[Do any of the W3C recommendations already provide an index indicator that could be used in place of "alt"?]
[Q5] Are there rules that indicates when a class alternative should be used?]
Figure 2.3 presents an extreme case where as many as three alternatives may be given for a single mood:
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ከ</rb> <rb>በ</rb> <rb>ሮ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1"> <rt>᎖</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>ሥቱ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="2"> <rt></rt> <rt>᎓</rt> <rt>ሞኂ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="3"> <rt>በ᎖</rt> </rtc> </ruby> |
Figure 2.3: Zaima annotation for a single mode with three alternative (Selot Kidasie p.113).
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ሊ</rb> <rb>ባ</rb> <rb>ኖ</rb> <rb>ስ</rb> <rb>ሃ</rb> <rb>፡</rb> <rb>ና</rb> <rb>ክ</rb> <rb>ር</rb> <rb>ር</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt rbspan="2"></rt> <rt rbspan="2">᎑ደረ᎓᎔᎖᎖</rt> <rt>᎖᎖</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt rbspan="2"></rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1"> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt></rt> <rt rbspan="2">᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔᎓᎔᎖᎖</rt> <rt>᎖᎖</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt rbspan="2"></rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="2"> <rt>᎑</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎖መን</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt rbspan="3"></rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="3"> <rt rbspan="2"></rt> <rt>᎖᎔</rt> <rt rbspan="6"></rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="4"> <rt rbspan="2"></rt> <rt>᎒</rt> <rt rbspan="6"></rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Questions: |
Figure 2.4: Zaima annotation for a single mode with four alternative (Zimarie Wemewasit p.34 (Seond Half)).
Very often a passage can be recited in two moods. Valid co-occurances of moods are Ge'ez and Izzel, Araray and Izzel, and only rarely Ge'ez, Izzel and Araray. The Ge'z mood does not co-occur with Araray in the absense of Izzel. Figure 2.4 presents the simple case of two modes with no alternative enunciations:
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ዬ</rb> <rb>ዬ</rb> <rb>ዬ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>ታ</rt> <rt>ፈየ᎖᎓</rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt>ሖ</rt> <rt>᎖᎓᎖᎓ጋሃ</rt> <rt>ር</rt> </rtc> </ruby> ፡ |
Figure 2.5: Zaima annotation for two modes (Selot Kidasie p.177).
Figure 2.5 presents an extreme case where the Ge'ez mood occurs with two alternatives along with the Araray mood, creating a total of 4 interlinear levels:
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ወ</rb> <rb>ወ</rb> <rb>ሀ</rb> <rb>ብ</rb> <rb>ከ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>ቡር</rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1"> <rt>᎖᎓᎔</rt> <rt>᎕</rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="2"> <rt>ኢ</rt> <rt>ይ</rt> <rt>ኃ</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>ጐ᎖</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt>᎙ሙላ</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐᎖᎖</rt> </rtc> </ruby> ፡ |
Figure 2.6: Zaima annotation for two modes with 2 Ge'ez alternatives (Merha Liqawnt p.127).
Figure 2.7 presents another extreme case where the Ge'ez mood along with Araray and its two alternatives for a total of 4 interlinear levels:
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ነ</rb> <rb>ጽ</rb> <rb>ር</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>᎑</rt> <rt>᎔᎓ራቀ</rt> <rt>᎒ዑ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel" alt="1"> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel" alt="2"> <rt>᎖</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>ቡ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt>᎖</rt> <rt>᎖᎓ራቀ</rt> <rt>᎖᎓᎙</rt> </rtc> </ruby> ። |
Figure 2.7: Zaima annotation for two modes with 2 Izzel alternatives (Selot Kidasie p.253).
Just as with Asian Ruby practices, annotation text may overhang the base text. This
almost always occurs to the right side of a base letter, and rarely to the left. When a left
side overhang is found it will be over the first letter of a word.
Section 4.2 of the CSS3 Ruby Module
defines the 'ruby-align'
property for controling the alignment style of the
ruby text with respect to the ruby base. The ruby-align
property will be
applied to Zaima use cases in this section to evaluate their suitability
፣<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ጕ</rb> <rb>ር</rb> <rb>ዔ</rb> <rb>ሁ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez" style="ruby-align: right"> <rt style="ruby-overhang: start">ውሡ</rt> <rt>ራ</rt> <rt>ሬ</rt> <rt style="ruby-align: left">ሃ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1" style="ruby-align: center"> <rt style="ruby-overhang: start">ቡር᎓᎔᎓</rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel" style="ruby-align: center"> <rt style="ruby-overhang: start">᎙ሙ᎘</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt>᎐᎘</rt> </rtc> </ruby> |
Figure 2.8: Relatively rare case of Zaima with a left side overhang (Merha Liqawnt p.12).
More typically overhanging occurs to the right of a letter of base text and then usually at the end of a word as can be seen in the next two examples:
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ኦ፡</rb> <rb>መ</rb> <rb>ዋ</rb> <rb>ዒ</rb> <rb>ት</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez" style="ruby-align: right: ruby-overhang: start"> <rt style="ruby-align: distribute-space; ruby-overhang: none">ጸ᎖᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔᎓᎔</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>ገብር</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>ኤል</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel" style="ruby-align: center"> <rt style="ruby-align:left; ruby-overhang: none">᎙ ᎙ ᎙</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎙</rt> </rtc> </ruby> ፡ |
Figure 2.9: Zaima with right side distribute-space overhang (Merha Liqawnt p.30).
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>መ፡</rb> <rb>ከመ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez" style="ruby-align: right: ruby-overhang: start"> <rt style="ruby-align: distribute-space; ruby-overhang: none">ጸ᎖᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔᎓᎔</rt> <rt style="ruby-align: right">ወ</rt> <rt style="ruby-align: left">ተ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel" style="ruby-align: center"> <rt style="ruby-align:left; ruby-overhang: none">᎙ ᎙ ᎙</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎐</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Figure 2.10: Zaima with right side distribute-space overhang (Merha Liqawnt p.66).
ሰ<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ብ</rb> <rb>እ</rb> <rb>፡</rb> <rb>ሱ</rb> <rb>ራ</rb> <rb>ፌ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>ለ</rt> <rt style="ruby-overhang: ???">ታ᎖᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔</rt> <rb></rb> <rt style="ruby-align: right">ል</rt> <rb>ደ</rb> <rb>ዊ</rb> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel" style="ruby-align: center"> <rt></rt> <rt style="ruby-overhang: start">᎐᎘᎙ሙ</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>᎘</rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt>᎐</rt> </rtc> </ruby>ል፡ |
Figure 2.11: Zaima with right side inter-word overhang (Merha Liqawnt p.64).
The above cases show overhangs at the end of word, extended across the Ethiopic wordspace. However it may occur between two letters within a word as well:
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ኪ</rb> <rb>ያ</rb> <rb>ከ</rb> <rb>፡</rb> <rb>ኦ</rb> <rb>ግ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez" style="ruby-align: right: ruby-overhang: start"> <rt></rt> <rt>ጽን</rt> <rt></rt> <rt style="ruby-align: distribute-space; ruby-overhang: start">ቡዘ᎖᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔᎓᎔</rt> <rt>መ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt></rt> <rt>᎙</rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt style="ruby-align:left; ruby-overhang: none">᎙ ᎙ ᎙</rt> <rt></rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Figure 2.12: Zaima with right side overhang within a word (Merha Liqawnt p.84).
Ruby annotation markup provides the rbspan
attribute to distribute ruby text
over ruby base letters. The need for the distribution of annotation text over two base
letters is frequent in Zaima. The rbspan
is applied in the next example:
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ኪ</rb> <rb>ያ</rb> <rb>ከ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>᎗</rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt>ቱ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt>ረዩ</rt> <rt style="ruby-align: distribute-space" rbspan="2">᎓᎖᎓᎖᎓᎓᎖</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Figure 2.13: Zaima annotation distributed over two base letters (Merha Liqawnt p.103).
Very commonly the non-letter annotation symbols will be combined into a "stack" for emphasis. The Diret-Hidet tonal mark (᎘) is in fact a stacking of Diret (᎑) on top of Hidet (᎗). No other stackings will appear to fuse together as a single symbol and likewise no not receive their own Unicode codepoint. The exhaustive list of possible stackings is not known and software should not attempt to contrain stackings within the set of non-letter annoation symbols.
For the purpose of brevity in the following examples, a style class "stack" is defined for presentation of inline stacked items:
.stack { writing-mode:tb-lr; glyph-orientation-vertical: upright; }
ዕ<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ጣ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt><span class="stack">᎑᎑</span></rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1"> <rt>᎓᎔᎓</rt> </rtc> </ruby>ን፡ |
Figure 2.14: Izzel Zaima with a Deret-Deret stack (Selot Kidasie p.87).
Finish Alignments <ruby> <rbc> <rb>ሐ</rb> <rb>ዋ</rb> <rb>ር</rb> <rb>ያ</rb> <rb>ት</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt style="ruby-align: center; ruby-overhang: right">᎑ሰማ</rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt>ደ</rt> <rt style="ruby-align: left">ታት</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt style="ruby-align: center; ruby-overhang: right">ሰማ᎓</rt> <rt></rt> <rt></rt> <rt rbspan="2" style="ruby-overhang: left">᎒᎖᎒᎓<span class="stack">᎔᎔<span>᎒</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Figure 2.15: Izzel Zaima with a Difat-Difat stack (Selot Kidasie p.129).
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ፍ</rb> <rb>ኖ</rb> <rb>ት</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>አም</rt> <rt>ኑ<span class="stack">᎑᎔<span><span class="stack">᎑᎔<span></rt> <rt>ኃ</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt></rt> <rt rbspan="3" style="ruby-align: center">᎙ሙ᎘</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Figure 2.16: Ge'ez Zaima with a Deret-Difat stack (Merha Liqawnt p.22).
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ዘ</rb> <rb>ይ</rb> <rb>ቀው</rb> <rb>ም</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt>᎒<span class="stack">᎔᎑<span>᎓᎖᎒᎓᎓</rt> <rt>ድድ</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Figure 2.17: Ge'ez Zaima with a Difat-Deret stack (Zimarie Wemewasit p.1).
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ወ</rb> <rb>ን</rb> <rb>ጌ</rb> <rb>ል፡</rb> <rb></rb> <rb>ቅ</rb> <rb>ዱ</rb> <rb>ስ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>ወባ᎓᎖</rt> <rt>᎓᎖᎓᎓᎖</rt> <rt>᎓᎓᎖᎔</rt> <rt>᎓᎓᎖ዚኦዝ</rt> <rt></rt> <rt>ር</rt> <rt></rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt rbspan="2"></rt> <rt style="ruby-overhang: auto">᎓᎖᎓᎖᎒<span class="stack">᎔᎔᎔<span>᎒</rt> <rt rbspan="3"></rt> <rt>ነጽ</rt> <rt>᎗</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Questions: |
Figure 2.18: Izzel Zaima with stacks of three Difat (Selot Kidasie p.111).
ወ<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ኮ</rb> <rb>ነ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>ብኪ</rt> <rt style="ruby-overhang: auto">᎓<span class="stack">᎔᎔᎔<span>᎓᎖</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1"> <rt style="ruby-overhang: auto"><span class="stack">᎑᎔᎔<span></rt> <rb></rb> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Questions: |
Figure 2.19: Ge'ez Zaima with stacks of three entities (Zimarie Wemewasit p.68).
አ<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ሳ</rb> <rb>ት</rb> <rb>ኒ</rb> <rb>፡</rb> <rb>ማ</rb> <rb>የ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt>ኪ</rt> <rt>ያሃ</rt> <rt>᎖᎔᎖᎔</rt> <rt>᎑<span class="stack">᎖᎖</span></rt> <rt>፴</rt> <rt>᎐</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="izzel"> <rt>᎐</rt> <rt></rt> <rt rbspan="2" style="ruby-overhang: right">᎐ሙ᎘</rt> <rt style="ruby-align: right">᎐</rt> <rt></rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Questions: |
Figure 2.20: Zaima with possible stackings of Chiret (Merha Liqawnt p.19).
ዓ<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ለ</rb> <rb>ም</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt><span class="stack">᎖᎖<span></rt> <rt style="ruby-align: right">ሉ᎙</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Questions: |
Figure 2.21: Zaima with a (possible?) stack of two Chirets (YeZaima Arist Milikt p.25).
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>አ</rb> <rb>ን</rb> <rb>ቲ</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez" style="ruby-align: left"> <rt>᎔᎓</rt> <rt rbspan="2"><span class="stack">᎖᎖᎖<span></rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Questions: |
Figure 2.22: Zaima with a (possible?) stack of three Chirets (YeZaima Arist Milikt p.25).
In some instances mood text may appear distributed across several presentation rows, such that two moods may share a single row of presentation. This may be an artifact of edits made at various times that prevented the mood text from appearing on the same line of presentation.
[Q33]: General questions for the mixed mood samples:
Figure 2.23: Zaima with Izzel appearing in 3 levels (Selot Kidasie p.145).
Figure 2.24: Zaima with one Ge'ez mood and three in Izzel (Selot Kidasie p.157).
Questions: |
Figure 2.25: Ge'ez Zaima with Izzel -and Araray? (Selot Kidasie p.189).
Figure 2.26: Three Ge'ez Zaima levels with Izzel (Selot Kidasie p.213).
Figure 2.27: Zaima with two Ge'ez moods and three in Izzel (Selot Kidasie p.221).
Figure 2.28: Zaima with Izzel appearing in 3 levels (Selot Kidasie p.263).
Figure 2.29: Zaima with three Ge'ez moods and three Izzel moods distributed over four rows (Zimarie Wemewasit p.68).
Similar to the mixed mood presentation in Section 2.2.3, other presentation phenomena can be found that may simply be the result of later date edits, or some caligraphic artifact.
Questions: |
Figure 2.30: Zaima rising from Ethiopic wordspace (Selot Kidasie p.219).
Questions: |
Figure 2.31: Zaima rising from Ethiopic wordspace (Selot Kidasie p.219).
Figure 2.32: Ge'ez Zaima with Izzel shadows (Zimarie Wemewasit p.68).
Numbers may be used in Zaima annotation, a short hand practice (also used elsewhere) is to ommit the lower numeral bar.
Figure 3.1: Zaima showing ፩ with elided lower line (Selot Kidasie p.219).
Figure 3.2: Zaima showing ፴ with elided lower line (Selot Kidasie p.219).
Preliminary input indicates that arcs and rises are incidental and not semantic bearing.
This section presents examples of annotation rendering where the presentation line is not horizontal. Typically at the end of a word the annotation line may appear to either rise or fall. This may emphasize how the pitch of the voice should change over these passages.
The following samples demonstrated annotation presentation lines that appear to rise or descend.
[Q49] Is rising and descending presentation meaningful?
[Q50] Is rising and descending presentation required?
<ruby> <rbc> <rb>ቲ</rb> <rb>ያ</rb> <rb>ን</rb> </rbc> <rtc class="geez"> <rt></rt> <rt>᎖</rt> <rt>ሰ᎔</rt> </rtc> <rtc class="geez" alt="1"> <rt>᎖</rt> <rt>᎒᎓</rt> <rt>᎒᎖᎒</rt> </rtc> </ruby>፡ |
Questions: |
Figure 3.3: Zaima with rising annotation (Selot Kidasie p.9).
Figure 3.4: Zaima with falling annotation (Merha Liqawnt p.19).
Figure 3.5: Zaima with falling annotation (Merha Liqawnt p.30).
Rises very typically accompany right side overhangs at the end of a word as seen in the next two examples:
Figure 3.6: Zaima with rising annotation (Merha Liqawnt p.84).
Figure 3.7: Zaima with rising annotation (Merha Liqawnt p.104).
The following samples demonstrated annotation symbols that are rendered slanted.
[Q53] Are slanted Rikriks meaningful?
[Q54] Are slanted Rikriks required?
Figure 3.8: Zaima with slanted Rikrik (Zimarie Wemewasit p.48).
Figure 3.9: Zaima with slanted Rikrik (Zimarie Wemewasit p.68).
The next three examples show annotation rendered on arched presentation lines. This may indicate a rise and fall of the voice over the arch or it may be merely incidental.
The following samples demonstrated annotation presentation lines that appear to be arched.
[Q55] Is arched presentation meaningful?
[Q56] Is arched presentation required?
Figure 3.10: Zaima with arched annotation (Merha Liqawnt p.64).
Figure 3.11: Zaima with arched annotation (Merha Liqawnt p.64).
Figure 3.12: Zaima with arched annotation (Merha Liqawnt p.66).
This specification would not have been possible without the help from:
Abba Melketsedek
Asteraye Tsegaye
Birhanu Gesesse
Daniel Yacob (ዳንኤል ያዕቆብ)
Nega Alemayehu (ነጋ አለምአየሁ)
Solomon Nega (ሶሎሞን ነጋ)
Serse Dengel
Woube Kassaye
Yishak Tedla (ይስሐቅ ተድላ)
This section presents an OWL based model for Zaima annotation. In the axis of this model is the symbol(s) of the base level and the annotations that apply to them. This can be visualized as a table read from left-to-right from the bottom most row and then read upward along each column for all data applying to the base cell.
The Zaima model as an owl ontology. [TODO: Add individuals from the lexicons].
The following lexicons are taken from "YeKidus Yared Tarikna YeZaima Milketoc".
[Notice: Until this notice is removed; the follwing lexicons are being reviewed and contain some typographic defects.]